Poetry Festival will be held:

Saturday, April 27, 2024

2016 Winner


Chubby fingers dipped in paint

Smudged all over the paper

Thin crayons that blend

Into rainbows and tall skyscrapers

Smooth markers that dance

In patterns their master configures

Rough charcoal, so gloomy

Makes shades which seem to shimmer

Worn pencils that scurry

Racing to keep up with ideas

Wet clay, soft and expectant

Serves as a platform for freedom

Young or Old

Black or White

Shy or Bold

Everyone needs art

In this world full of hate

So pick up a pencil

Pick it up and create


Marta Maliszewska

Washington International School

Grade: 9


Arlington, VA


Warsaw, Poland

Favorite Author or Book:

Siege and Storm

Dream for the Future:

I would like to have a cafe filled with books.

Inspirational Figure:

My mom, Maryla Maliszewska