2023 Winner


It creeps up on you

Like a spider climbing up your arm


Hours pass and it’s still there

You still feel that ache

Of envy

In your chest


It only takes a few seconds

You see what you want

and can’t have

Right in front of you


You can’t feel content until it’s gone

Which means getting what you seek

And you don’t


I’m caught up

In this mess

What I can see

Is what I want to be

Not who I am

Abby Foster

Abby Foster

Sidwell Friends School

Grade: 6


Chevy Chase, MD


Washington, DC

Favorite Author or Book:

The adult who inspires me most would be my mom.

Dream for the Future:

My dream for the future is to be living near the beach enjoying the job I’m working at.

Inspirational Figure:

My mom is the adult who inspires me the most.