Our world is sugarcoated
We see screaming neons
But can we wear green-lensed glasses
And let the sweet world turn simple
Can we climb the low-branched apple tree
In the center of a grassy stone-studded meadow
Then pick its fruit
Not making them into candy apples
Can you see life’s
Crooked windows
The mossy wooden floors
Jammed door
And not see sugar
So we form a community —
Not seeking
Prepackaged waffle fry cravers
Or dewy grass haters
Because we don’t chew the cookies
With dandelion-shaped frosting
We clip dandelion stems with our dirty fingernails
And grind the sour petals to a pulp between our back teeth
We don’t add sugar
We drag our fingertips against horses’ rough manes
Pet their noses, buzzing with mosquitoes —
We don’t slice them open and sprinkle sugar
On their bloody, broken bodies
Because we don’t sugarcoat life
Grade: 6
Washington, DC
Washington, DC
Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng
To be successful and fulfill my potential.
My mom inspires me most.