2023 Winner

Raised By

I was raised by music

The feet-tapping,




rhythm and blues

Kind of music


I was raised by a finger-pointing

Never ever sharing

Always keeping something hidden

Acting like she isn’t caring

Kind of older sister


I was raised by a protective

Hearing is selective

Has been independent for her whole life

If you don’t listen to her, she will bring you strife

“If you don’t get here right now!”

Always saying I’m in trouble,

even when I don’t know how

Kind of mother


I was raised by a healthy

Wants me in life to be wealthy

Taking me ice skating

If I were hurt, he would be by my side aiding

Kind of father


I was raised by music and family


Amy Tesfaye

Parkmont School

Grade: 7


Washington, DC

Favorite Author or Book:

Jason Reynolds

Dream for the Future:

Stop SA

Inspirational Figure:

Matt McClain