2023 Winner

In which i am visited by Angels who speak to me of Death

at orange Dawning, when the World is all of a Hush

the Angels come & the Angels sit by my Bed trying so

hard to be Quiet. but even in my most secret Dreams i

hear their footsteps & they sound like the Stars

Singing & i am Comforted. one Day they will bury

me in the Garden & i am Comforted. they will drown

me in the bath & when they softly push me

down with their big big Wings i will

be as peaceful as the pie-slice of Nothing between a tiger’s

whisker & the Moon.

the Angels tell me that i will rot but not to

be Afraid because — !

because i am the Universe’s very own baby

& the Spring is always coming:

under the Ground the Grass

has already begun to stir. & in the Dark

time when the Day & i are sleeping the Angels come

& whisper to us so we don’t get

too Lonely. in our untongued Silence they touch our hair

& tell that Dying is like a warm pool — 

the Girl you met in a hotel when you were Seven

holding onto your hand & leading you on bare

feet down a long long Hallway with a

Light at the End & you are carried Upstairs but in the next

Room the grown-ups are still laughing & you can hear the clink of

glasses. it’s like this, say the Angels: when you do fall


you fall Gently.


Isabel Avidon

Georgetown Day School

Grade: 10


Washington, DC


Washington, DC

Favorite Author or Book:

Oh, I definitely have too many to go into here, but a few of my favorite authors right now are Neon Yang, Tamsyn Muir, J.R.R. Tolkien, Susanna Clarke, Kazuo Ishiguro, Alexandre Dumas, Ursula K. Le Guin, Vladimir Nabokov, and Maya Angelou.

Dream for the Future:

I hope to see our world become a gentler place.

Inspirational Figure:

I can never pick favorites! But a few of my tippy-tops are Magnus Hirschfeld, Aurora Aksnes, Maya Angelou, Oscar Wilde, Theo van Gogh, James Baldwin, and Derek Jarman.