2020 Winner

Morning Coffee

after Orange Car Crash Fourteen Times by Andy Warhol

Redemption demands creativity.

Each brushstroke that glides along the mural of self-forgiveness

acts in pursuit of molding coherency between the freethinking parts.


In time, doubt of my humanity surfaces

when sociopathy mingles with my innermost soul.

Maladroit remorse is left to its own devices.


My unwavering will triumphs over my worst decision.

It stands aloof on a solitary podium of steel,

signaling out to a bewildered crowd.


Even when those blighted memories thrust themselves back

into my mind like the marigold leaves

that blew over that moonless thoroughfare,


I brush them off.

I turn the page of my newspaper.


Dylan Rosoff

Sidwell Friends School

Grade: 12


Potomac, MD


Washington, DC

Favorite Author or Book:

The Martian by Andy Weir

Dream for the Future:

To have reasons to smile

Inspirational Figure:

My parents