2020 Winner

Rush Hour on the Metro

My train pulls into the station with a gust of warm air

The doors slide open until they click into position

Please allow customers to exit before boarding the train

Then the mass of other commuters and I

Pack into the car as tight as possible

Step back to allow the doors to close


I don’t like how close the man next to me is

I don’t like how his body is turned to face my side

I don’t like how as the train sways and rattles

I can feel the weight of his body leaning against mine

And slowly easing off when we turn right

To navigate the underground tunnels

Then leaning back on as we turn to the left


Stop being dramatic

It’s all in your head

A stern voice tells me

Calm down and tough it out


But still my heart is racing erratically

And I start to sweat under my hoodie

The air feels thick and heavy

My 5’2″ frame has never felt so small

As it does when I feel his stomach press into my side

And his arm looming over me to hold the bar above

I want nothing more than to get off at the next stop

And sit there for however many hours it takes

Until the trains that come through are empty

Completely devoid of people

But I also want to get home in time for dinner


So I ride down the line until the crowd dissipates

And then I take a seat by myself

And ride in silence until I reach my destination

The doors slide open until they click into position

Please allow customers to exit before boarding the train


It’s okay

I’m okay

I tell myself

I just don’t like rush hour on the metro


Olivia Vergason

The Field School

Grade: 11


Alexandria, VA


Rockville, MD

Favorite Author or Book:

Emily Dickinson

Dream for the Future:

To follow my intellectual and creative passions and find fulfillment in whatever I do.

Inspirational Figure:

I couldn’t pick between my parents. They both inspire me to give my all to everything that I do.