2022 Winner

Faded Denim

Aged and Antique

The colors all washed down

blend together

Colors as old as my grandfather

and as wise as my mother


Thrown aside, no one cares anymore

no one desires to listen

to the stories these colors tell

Pilgrimages to World Wars


But all this denim is:

A gentle breeze

wistfully reminding us of the past


Jayna Agrawal

Sidwell Friends School

Grade: 6


Bethesda, MD


Washington, DC

Favorite Author or Book:

Robert Frost

Dream for the Future:

I dream for a world where our environment is sustainable, war no longer takes place, and poverty is eliminated.

Inspirational Figure:

My mom inspires me because she is the most hardworking person I have ever met, and she pushes me to strive for my best every day.