2022 Winner

The Light in the Dark

The sun with its glory

Gives light and life

Provides all

With hope and warmth


To the moon too

It gives some light

Some glory

Some warmth

Some hope


But the moon that lives

On borrowed light

Cannot give hope to those

Who seek perfection

Filled with their pride

Who have all they need

But crave more


Only the rare few

Who are lost, seem to

Accept the light of the moon

To lead them somewhere

To where they don’t know

To somewhere with joy

And not such gloom


The rare few who must

Embrace the rain and rust

Are the ones who know

What it takes to live

Off the crumbs

Of this forsaken world


Sevak Stepanyan

Sidwell Friends School

Grade: 6


Bethesda, MD


Yerevan, Armenia

Favorite Author or Book:

The Bible

Dream for the Future:

A world without war

Inspirational Figure:

Jesus Christ