2017 Winner

Matter. Black. Lives.

Song lyrics taken from “Lift Every Voice and Sing” by James Weldon Johnson

Have you ever heard

And saw

The truths we have made

Yet you call it absurd


Have you ever heard

And saw

The dark rings on our wrists

Redder than the wine you sip until you slur


Have you ever heard

And saw

Our screams in the street

While you ignore us listening to an ignorant speech


Have you ever heard

And saw

That it’s not our lives matter more

It’s just that it “matters, too”


Kiara Accad

Capital City Public Charter School

Grade: 10


9th Street, NW


Manila, Philippines

Favorite Author or Book:

George Orwell (Animal Farm and 1984)

Dream for the Future:

That everyone will be educated with morals and that women will be finally valued and respected.

Inspirational Figure:

My mommy. She is full of grace, patience, and is very humble.